Mindset Coaching with Cinnamon Prime
Mindset, Health, & Soul
Personal Development For a Life You Love!
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Hey friend! I’ve created some workbooks and eCourses just for YOU! Check them out on the services page or just click on this happy little orange button below to see out how you can begin your Mindset Shifting journey! I’m so happy to have you on the TEAM! Oh! -And don’t forget to sign up for “Mindset Nuggets” at the bottom of this page. Nom Nom.
A powerful and peaceful mindset is the core of having a life that works. Shifting a mindset is something I’m highly trained and accomplished in. People “know” what to do, and that makes no difference. Mindset work is the KEY to the rest of your life and health.
This is your unique puzzle piece. All science is revealing that individualized nutrition is what creates the best results. It’s your body, so arbitrary rules need not apply. With my biochemistry degree I know you’re unique! Oh and we don’t do shame and judgement here. We do what works for our bodies with no apologies.
For any change to be effective, we have to address habits. Understanding your brain and working with it can help you start and stop habits effectively,
Often this is the missing link in all other coaching programs. My 16 years of coaching has taught me that this is an integral piece and can not be overlooked. I’ve coached hundreds of people around strengthening their relationship with God and reconnecting with their TRUE identity, their Authentic Self made by God, not society.
My Approach
The most important aspect of me as your coach is my highly trained listening of you. Each client is unique and while I do have a basic curriculum that I've developed, everything is tailored to YOU. I'm trained in neuroscience and communication and hear everything from tone, pitch, speed and very importantly what you don't say! I also understand how different brains work, so I’m able to help in a variety of ways. I know that I look sweet, and I am but...... to the next point....
I'm a blunt, straight shooter who's known for my tough (and at times goofy) love. Listen, you have enough people agreeing with you, that's not my job. My job is to call you on your BS and coach you to perform better. You're here to get better, faster and stronger in life aren't you? Yes, you are. Not to worry, it's always done with love, I'm trained well. Clients end up thanking me for the butt-whoopin' and we end up laughing a lot and becoming close like family. You know someone loves you when they not only acknowledge your awesomeness, which I do, but they also call you OUT and say, "You are BETTER THAN THAT!!"
I'm a teacher at heart, it's important that you understand your brain and body, but not in a snooze-fest boring science lecture way, but in a fun applicable to real life science way! I can't leave the science out so I just make it fun and easy!
Most importantly, my style is to constantly improve my own coaching. I always measure how effective I am as a coach and measure the results I help produce. I've changed my curriculum, lessons, order of what I cover and much more. I'm always doing research and improving for YOU. It's my job to nerd out on the science and latest research and make sure that it serves you well and alters your life for the better, in real life.
If that sounds good to you, and you're ready, I'd love to hear from you! Either schedule a consult or get enrolled in one of my courses! Let's get you going!

How do I know if coaching is right for me?
If you can say yes to the following questions on the right, then coaching is for you!
If you’re not ready that’s totally ok! Stay connected on the coaching pages with the rest of the Team and I’ll be waiting for you when the time is right.
Are you confused by all the self help & health info out there?
There are over 2 million books on health and self help. Yes you read that right! So it’s no wonder there’s confusion out there. Frankly, if any one program worked, it would render all else mute. The reason there are so many books and they keep coming is that knowing information doesn’t mean you’ll actually do anything about it. We think if we read one more book, or learn one more key piece of information, we will somehow change our lives and everything will work out. While information IS helpful, implementing the information is another endeavor. Frankly, this is why I coach. Everyone is different and often we need solutions customized to us as an individual and you’ll get this from me. It’s not your fault that different programs haven’t worked, and the authors mean well, but mindset and implementing habits are often the missing link to you accomplishing your goals. I have your back!
Are you ready to stop the yo-yo self improvement and diet trains?
No? Welp, this isn’t the place for you. Yes? Great! Be willing to be coachable and get serious about a new future for yourself.
Are you ready to be 100% responsible for your life?
No? Again, this isn’t the place for you then. Yes? Awesome! Your past isn’t necessarily your fault, a lot of uncalled for and inappropriate things happen to us and that’s a tragedy. Good news is, you can be responsible for how you move ahead in your life from here on out. I’m of the mindset to never give the past, nor the people in it full control of my life or my future. If that’s also your attitude, and need some help fully getting there then you’re in the right hands.
Are you ready to look at your habits and rewire your brain?
I’ll be blunt, per usual. If you aren’t, then don’t spend your hard earned money here okay? I’m not here to collect piles of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck. I’m here to help folks who are ready and willing to look at the not so great parts of themselves and their habits get free from them. Good news for you, is that it’s possible and thanks to neuroplasticity, changes can definitely become permanent, as long as you’re persistent and consistent!
Are you ready to be ALL IN and put yourself first?
If you’re like most of the good folks I have worked with, you’ve been helping others, caring for others, and watching out for others which leaves you worn out and just “making it” through… That’s no way to live! So let’s pour into YOU, feed your body and nourish that soul! Ya ready? Pick a program and get yourself registered! I can’t wait to meet you!!