Real People, Real Results.
Testimony from Clients and Those Who Refer
Those Who Refer
Robb Wolf, NYT Best Selling Author and Former Research Biochemist
What is THE most important thing in life? Clearly this can become a heated, perhaps even valuable philosophical debate, but let's not turn to ancient Greece nor Confucius for a moment and focus instead on something practical. What is THE thing you, me, anyone can do, in this moment, the next time we wake up, the next time we face what appears to be an insurmountable challenge...that can change our experience of that event? That can turn misery into growth, that can create joy out of nearly any situation?
Mindset. If we change our mindset, we literally change our reality. If you are a hippy, you can balance chakras long with your mindset, if you are more mechanistic, cognitive neuroscience has shown, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our mindset is largely our reality. Cinnamon is one of the best Mindset Coaches in the world as she is not only an expert in helping folks affect change in mindset (and by extension a change in their lives) but she goes beyond the valuable but tired notions of "think positive." Positive thinking is great, but sometimes it's more important to have an outside set of eyes to help us focus our mindset on a specific goal, in a specific way, to be affect the change we want in our life. I've worked with Cinnamon, I've referred friends and clients to Cinnamon...she is the best.
Dr. Kirk Parsley, MD - Former U.S. Navy SEAL
Cinnamon works with the most important element of any kind of success...mindset. It’s such a basic principle but is the hardest to change and can make or break anyone’s success. I refer people to work with Cinnamon who are stuck and not reaching their goals because I’ve seen the results of her practical, professional, and effective approaches to helping people shift their mindset and attain success.
Nicki Violetti, Cohost of The Healthy Rebellion Radio
Cinnamon is a life saver. Literally. She’s helped two very dear friends through some incredibly tough times and they are both now shining brighter than ever before. I can’t say enough about the work that she does.
Billy Kuykendall, DC, CCSP
I first met Cinnamon in 2010 while working together. She was always very enthusiastic about personal growth and the role mindset plays in those endeavors. Later when she began coaching full time I was very happy to see her pursue her passion. In 2013 we worked together during a time in my life when things needed to change if for me. I was able to apply this work immediately and I still use these lessons today. I learned that giving myself a few minutes at the end of my workday would help me create a space for my role as a husband and father to appear, instead of transferring the workday’s challenges to my family. At first it seemed self-indulgent to not run from one activity or task to another, but I found that the new approach was more giving than anything. I was able to be fully present for the people I was with! I have recommended her coaching to my friends and patients over the years, all of whom have had great experiences.
Client’s Own Words
"In a “pull no punches” kind of way, Coach Prime guided me to see how I am responsible for the way that I respond in every situation that comes my way, and gave me the tools to use in situations so I can be an agent for my own wellbeing, no matter what comes across my path."
August 2014…I was stuck. I was frustrated for myself for letting my weight get so high. My mind seemed foggy and uncooperative. My job got very difficult with a new leadership who demanded even more from my demanding job. I even went to the doctor and was put on meds for depression in an attempt to get my life back. For a while I had been following Coach Prime on Facebook. What she had to say about getting your mindset focused resonated with me, so I reached out. That was the start of a beautiful three year journey together. She helped me with so much more than just getting my weight under control. In a “pull no punches” kind of way, Coach Prime guided me to see how I am responsible for the way that I respond in every situation that comes my way, and gave me the tools to use in situations so I can be an agent for my own wellbeing, no matter what comes across my path. She helped me develop strategies to deal with workplace stress. This school year, 2017, was the first year I’ve started the school year with no stress at all! She coached me through how to coach my teenage son through some difficult issues. I’m grateful to her for helping me be a better wife and daughter to the rest of my family. I’m also a better friend as she wisely pushed me to reach out to friends around me, even when my natural inclination is to be a homebody. Overall, Coach Prime encouraged me and loved me to growth beyond what I thought possible. Each day I use principles she taught me, and I’ll be forever thankful for her influence in my life. If you’re struggling with life and would like no nonsense, no bull coaching to help you reach your goals, Coach Prime is where it’s at.
"In just three months of sessions with Coach, I now have a stable relationship with my family, my anxiety is non-existent, and I feel joy again in my daily life. Coach Prime methods work and are effective in building an unstoppable mindset, so that you can be the best you can be! I am so blessed to have a Life Coach so loving, understanding, and caring. She has helped me see me as the beautiful, strong woman that I have been all along."
In May 2012 I reached a point in my where I was over 200 pounds, my autoimmune condition, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), that I have been diagnosed from the age of 13 reached stage 3, and my anxiety disorder ran rampant in my life. My anxiety prevented me from pursing my dreams and goals, kept me distant from my family, and I felt I could never be happy again. I initially started the paleo diet in order to lose weight. I cut gluten, dairy, legumes,and processed foods, and in less then 6 months I lost 50 pounds! I was amazed. I looked great, but the symptoms of my disease were still present. I turned to facebook for online HS support groups and found that there were thousands of others with the same disease that I had! It was life changing for me to me find others going through the same daily struggles from this disease that so few in my life understood. I then learned that tweaking the paleo diet by excluding all foods that can cause gut irritation can diminish symptoms I was suffering from and would even let my body heal itself from years of damage from inflammation. From the support from my new found friends, I instantly started to feel better and took note of the affected areas starting to heal. During one of the many nights of researching HS management topics, I was directed onto Coach Prime's Facebook page. I was impressed at what she offered as a Mindset Coach and began to follow her updates. What resonated with me the most is that Coach always kept it real in all of the topics she wrote about in her page. After just one month, I asked her to be my Life Coach on mindset. I knew I wanted to rock my world and stay true to my bad ass self, but I needed help. She helped break down my beliefs and even coached me through tough experiences in my life. After that breakthrough, I was able to see my family for who they were and could love them. In just three months of sessions with Coach, I now have a stable relationship with my family, my anxiety is non-existent, and I feel joy again in my daily life. Coach Prime methods work and are effective in building an unstoppable mindset, so that you can be the best you can be! I am so blessed to have a Life Coach so loving, understanding, and caring. She has helped me see me as the beautiful, strong woman that I have been all along. Currently I am 125 pounds, I eat A LOT of nutrient dense foods, and I have so much energy to bring in each and every day. I am making a difference in my life and it is all from Coach Prime's coaching method. She is the best! <3 -Saadah, Age 25.
"Cinnamon is a straight shooter and a kind one at that..... I learned to use my own intuition and judgment to make successful choices and I developed the tools necessary to navigate my future."
In May 2012 I reached a point in my where I was over 200 pounds, my autoimmune condition, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), that I have been diagnosed from the age of 13 reached stage 3, and my anxiety disorder ran rampant in my life. My anxiety prevented me from pursing my dreams and goals, kept me distant from my family, and I felt I could never be happy again. I initially started the paleo diet in order to lose weight. I cut gluten, dairy, legumes,and processed foods, and in less then 6 months I lost 50 pounds! I was amazed. I looked great, but the symptoms of my disease were still present. I turned to facebook for online HS support groups and found that there were thousands of others with the same disease that I had! It was life changing for me to me find others going through the same daily struggles from this disease that so few in my life understood. I then learned that tweaking the paleo diet by excluding all foods that can cause gut irritation can diminish symptoms I was suffering from and would even let my body heal itself from years of damage from inflammation. From the support from my new found friends, I instantly started to feel better and took note of the affected areas starting to heal. During one of the many nights of researching HS management topics, I was directed onto Coach Prime's Facebook page. I was impressed at what she offered as a Mindset Coach and began to follow her updates. What resonated with me the most is that Coach always kept it real in all of the topics she wrote about in her page. After just one month, I asked her to be my Life Coach on mindset. I knew I wanted to rock my world and stay true to my bad ass self, but I needed help. She helped break down my beliefs and even coached me through tough experiences in my life. After that breakthrough, I was able to see my family for who they were and could love them. In just three months of sessions with Coach, I now have a stable relationship with my family, my anxiety is non-existent, and I feel joy again in my daily life. Coach Prime methods work and are effective in building an unstoppable mindset, so that you can be the best you can be! I am so blessed to have a Life Coach so loving, understanding, and caring. She has helped me see me as the beautiful, strong woman that I have been all along. Currently I am 125 pounds, I eat A LOT of nutrient dense foods, and I have so much energy to bring in each and every day. I am making a difference in my life and it is all from Coach Prime's coaching method. She is the best! <3 -Saadah, Age 25.
"Her matter of fact approach took me out of my own head and made me believe in not only my ability in my training but on the competition field also. It's because of her that I qualified for Nationals two years in a row and competed well."
I met coach prime when I was at a low point in my competition prep and mentality.
Psyching myself out and that bleeding into my training and overall mental health state.
Working with coach got me to realize my base issues and what exactly needed to be done to fix them.
Her matter of fact approach took me out of my own head and made me believe in not only my ability in my training but on the competition field also.
It's because of her that I qualified for Nationals two years in a row and competed well.
I appreciate all she's done for me.
"While I wanted to focus on "what should I eat" and "how should I work out", what she ended up doing was teach me more about how I approach life than anyone has in my 39 years....By the way, I just finished my third month on my 40 by 40 goal and have lost 33 pounds. Coach always said to me that I was going to smash that goal and, with another 12 weeks to go, I know I will."
I began working with Coach Prime in March 2013. I had recently decided, after months of research, to "go Paleo" and make some major changes in my life. One of my main goals is/was named "40 by 40" as I wanted to lose 40 pounds by my 40th birthday - a seven month time frame.
I can't even remember what drew me to Coach other than her "mindset" approach. You see, I would say that "I know what to do" ... I just don't do it. I know how to eat & plan good, healthy meals; I have everything I need at home for a full workout thanks to a personal trainer I had a few years back. Yet, I was constantly sabotaging myself & making poor choices; I wasn't taking responsibility for my actions. I knew I needed someone to help me with forming a lasting habit which included sticking with an exercise program and making the best choices possible when it came to food.
Armed already with some background in the area, Coach & I hit it off like two peas in a pod. She helped me quickly realize where my barriers were to impeding progress. While I wanted to focus on "what should I eat" and "how should I work out", what she ended up doing was teach me more about how I approach life than anyone has in my 39 years. We rarely ever spoke about food or exercise. We spoke more about life, our brain and our bodies than "going Paleo"!
I cannot begin to list all the things Coach taught me. Everything from "not waking the bear" (change gradually) to working on ways to continue my exercise routines without aggravating an old injury. I learned how to determine where my blind spots are & that my past is just that: part of my story which just "is" ... She never once judged any choice I made as we reviewed my daily journals. And, most importantly, she never let me judge myself!
I'll admit, I was hesitant at first hiring a coach whom I didn't get to see in person. But Coach's warmth and compassion is genuine through & through. You can feel her care and concern even in her texts much less your time one the phone together! Our coaching relationship was brief but she armed me with the right tools to keep moving forward on my own.
By the way, I just finished my third month on my 40 by 40 goal and have lost 33 pounds. Coach always said to me that I was going to smash that goal and, with another 12 weeks to go, I know I will. And, I've made a lasting friendship with Coach who, even though we're no longer doing regular sessions, is always just a call or text away!
Coach Prime is a gem. If you're looking to make a change in your life & need someone to help you with accountability or approach to your goals, this is the place to be!!
"She listened to all of that and not once did I feel judged. She listened intently with pure love.
I had a new friend. A true friend that wanted good for me, with no benefit for her other than my growth.
She told me that perfectionism isn't attainable, so I was to let that go. That in and of it self was difficult for me. I was a people pleaser....Working with Coach Prime, I have been freed from the past I held myself prisoner to. I have learned that I can make my story what I want it to be."
The way I found Coach Prime is nothing short of destiny. I was talking to my nurse, while waiting on the doctor. She recommended I like "Just Eat Real Food." While scrolling through the page, I found a post about a life coach that focused on mindset, health and nutrition. Interesting, I thought. Sounds like something I could benefit from. She was offering a contest for four free coaching sessions. I entered and got on with my day.
My doctor had prescribed a paleo lifestyle for numerous health issues: leaky gut, barely functioning immune system, fungal sinus infection for 18 months, hypothyroidism, chronic mono, CMV, hormonal imbalance, insomnia, the list seemed endless.
I was ten months into recovery for alcoholism and drug addiction. My comfort food was all I had left. Give up sugar, dairy, highly processed foods- had he lost his mind?!? I was seriously pissed off!
About two hours later, I popped back on Facebook and learned I had won the free coaching sessions! I have never won any kind of contest! I was totally stoked and scared! What had I gotten myself into? My doctor was going to hold me accountable and now so was this life coach. But, I KNEW in my gut, this was the route I was supposed to take. If I wanted change, to get healthy and begin to enjoy life again, I had to take action to make those changes. And that is exactly what Coach Prime was offering to help me with.
Our conversation was LENGTHY. I had tons of issues, excuses and just plain stinking thinking that I knew made me an exception and too difficult to "fix." She listened, asked questions when she needed clarification but, she didn't once tell me I was wrong, judge me, or try to fix me. She was loving, accepting and freed me to be who I was at that time.
I remember telling her, "I want to lose weight but, I don't want to quit eating the foods I love. I can't afford the healthy food, I don't have the time to prepare it. I want to be fit, healthier, stronger but I don't have the time, the money, the energy, or desire to do it. After all, I am a homeschooling mom of 3, two of whom play sports at different times and places, one of the kiddo's is 3 years old AND I am a house wife that has a home to take care of. Oh yeah! Don't forget all the health issues! And I'm in recovery!" She listened to all of that and not once did I feel judged. She listened intently with pure love.
I had a new friend. A true friend that wanted good for me, with no benefit for her other than my growth.
She told me that perfectionism isn't attainable, so I was to let that go. That in and of it self was difficult for me. I was a people pleaser, I needed people to believe my life is perfect and if my life wasn't perfect then I was bad, wrong, and unacceptable. We began with taking the tiniest of steps. I was to acknowledge mistakes and triumphs. Mistakes or less than perfect behavior/responses were to be acknowledged and accepted. I was to immediately own my responsibility in what occurred, apologize if necessary and move on. I was not to beat myself up, not hold on to the shame or guilt, just to acknowledge that I am in fact human, that it is what it is and move on. I also had to recognize triumphs, no matter how small they might have seemed. Triumphs were to be heartily celebrated, stopping long enough to bask in the victory, with happy dances, "YAY, ME's!" singing praises to The Lord, and sharing them with others.
"It is what it is, and it ain't what it ain't," is a saying full of freedom. When reality is accepted life becomes beautiful. There is no hiding, trying to figure out someone else's motives, playing head games with yourself and others. I was given homework at the end of each session. Some homework, I totally kicked ass on. Some of it (like the exercise) I just didn't do. I was honest, authentic. I was actually kind of afraid of what her response would be, people pleaser I was and all. Coach never chastised me, in fact she appreciated and commended my honesty. Through that experience I began to realize that I allowed so many people, even complete strangers, to have so much power over me. I allowed them to tell me who I was. Through our work Coach helped me to realize that my Creator and I were the only ones who could decide who I was. And I could be whoever we wanted me to be! Ahh-maz-ing!
Working with Coach Prime, I have been freed from the past I held myself prisoner to. I have learned that I can make my story what I want it to be.
Other than high school (and that's been quite a while ago) I have never partcipated in organized sports or exercise. I romanticized how it would be fun but, then there would be the whole breathing hard, sweating, moving my body fast, pain, unfamiliar movements, would I make a fool of myself, you want me to do what?!? kind of things. As I mentioned earlier, Coach would give me exercises to do for homework, I may do them a day or two then those excuses would pop up again. Seemingly out of the blue, and really thinking I wasn't going to follow through, I decided to take an on ramp class for CrossFit. I signed up, but still didn't have the courage to walk through the door. I mean "Hello! This is the chickie that wouldn't do the sit ups and push ups I was assigned but, suddenly I was going to attempt a WOD???" I googled 'Couch to CrossFit,' 'CrossFit for the unfit,' and finally 'CrossFit for fat girls.' Looking for courage, looking to live vicariously through some other unfit, unhealthy person. I found the blog PaleoParents.com. A Fat Girl's Confession on Starting Crossfit Stacy's realism (and the fact that I had told Coach the day I was starting) got me through those doors. Plus, the fact that my athlete kids thought there was no way I could do it, i HAD to prove them wrong! I was scared to death that first morning. I knew I was going to die or at least pass out running- RUNNING! 200M, doing push-ups and squats. But, I didn't! Not only did I not die, I loved it! I loved that I looked that WOD in the face and completed it! It wasn't pretty but, I DID IT!!! I posted on Coach's face book page, "I love how sore or exhausted my body feels after CrossFit. I love it because it is tangible proof that I honored God's temple, my body. It reminds me with every movement, I am working for a stronger, fitter me."
I could not have done it with out the work Coach and I have done. I would not have had the courage to do it. The faith in myself to even try.
Coach has taught me to have integrity in all that I say, do and even think. I am still a work in progress, I pray I always will be. I have learned that my past does not define me, and who I will be in my future is completely up to me. I have learned I have the choice to be love, acceptance, tolerant. I have FREEDOM! I can be anything my heart desires and anything I am willing to work for. I live in the gift of now with my family and friends.
I am no longer that woman that was too busy, too full of excuses to love me. I am thankful there is no magic pill! I am imperfect and beautiful. I am accepting of myself, and I am grateful for the HARD work that helps me grow everyday. Food is no longer my enemy. On special occasions, like my Dad's wedding, I planned to have a piece of wedding cake. I did and felt no guilt. I enjoyed celebrating with my family. I am no longer my own enemy. I am awesome. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am exactly where The Lord wants me, today. I have always been that person. Coach Prime just helped me see it. When other people are human and take their stuff out on me, I realize it is not about me but, about what they are going through. They need my love, acceptance and respect. Just like Coach has with me.
All of this is possible because of the gifts God gave Coach Prime. I genuinely love her amazing spirit and desire to help people become healthier, in the way they think, the way they fuel their body and the way they challenge themselves.
Peace, hope, and love
"She helped me push myself to get through those first few weeks – and they were the toughest. But once I had the first taste of improvement (losing a 5 pounds) I had all the motivation I needed. I lost a total of 30 pounds have kept it off and have maintained good nutrition habits for close to a year."
I first started working with Cinnamon about a year ago to address an ongoing weight issue. While it wasn’t life threatening, it was headed that direction and I wasn’t able to right the ship after numerous tries.
We met up and discussed my goals and she was able to clear the air for me and show me what changes would need to be made to get the ball rolling. It was reassuring and also challenging to have someone in the fight with me. Throughout the process I told her that I wanted to make this change a lifestyle change – something permanent that I could carry on and sustain. We started with nutrition, looking at what I was putting in my body and how that was causing a host of other smaller issues such as an over reliance on caffeine and low energy levels.
She helped me push myself to get through those first few weeks – and they were the toughest. But once I had the first taste of improvement (losing a 5 pounds) I had all the motivation I needed. I lost a total of 30 pounds have kept it off and have maintained good nutrition habits for close to a year. I’ve started working out at a Crossfit gym and haven’t been this healthy in 10 years. I’d absolutely recommend Cinnamon to anyone, and have recently recommended her to my mother.
"She advised me to eat MORE food. She assured me that I would see my body composition start to change. I was skeptical but I did what she said. I have lost 20 more pounds and gained a lot of strength.
I would highly recommend Coach Prime to anyone. After just 2 sessions I was back on the road to weight loss and strength gains!"
I started working with Cinnamon when I became frustrated with my weight loss. I had lost the first 100 pounds relatively quickly and then I got stuck. I had about 30 more pounds that I wanted to lose and I couldn't do it. I was having a hard time maintaining and even gaining a few pounds back. I was eating a pretty strict Paleo diet and I was doing crossfit three times a week but hadn't made many strength gains in months. I didn't know what to do.....I figured if I just ate less I would start losing weight again. I starting eliminating more foods from my diet but it wasn't working. That is when I contacted Coach Prime. She advised me to eat MORE food. She assured me that I would see my body composition start to change. I was skeptical but I did what she said. I have lost 20 more pounds and gained a lot of strength.
I would highly recommend Coach Prime to anyone. After just 2 sessions I was back on the road to weight loss and strength gains!
"She really can get to the heart of the matter through her knowledge of the brain and how it affects human behavior. She is pragmatic, logical, and grounded. I highly, highly recommend Coach Prime. She traded my ashes for beauty and for that...I’m forever grateful!"
I truly love Coach Prime! I came to her, a bit of a mess. She was patient and kind yet direct. I grew to trust her and become more and more open. She is such a a smart woman! She really can get to the heart of the matter through her knowledge of the brain and how it affects human behavior. She is pragmatic, logical and grounded. I highly, highly recommend Coach Prime. She traded my ashes for beauty and for that...I’m forever grateful!
"Cinnamon is a thoughtful, passionate, compassionate coach. She helped my wife and I realize some very important fundamental truths about ourselves that we still think about to this day."
Cinnamon is a thoughtful, passionate, compassionate coach. She helped my wife and I realize some very important fundamental truths about ourselves that we still think about to this day. It would not be an overstatement to say that she has made an ongoing positive impact on our lives and we’ll be forever grateful to her for her insightful guidance.
"In the first session alone, Cinnamon gave her multiple ways to deal with her anxiety, become familiar with her emotions, and understand why she was feeling this way...One year later, my daughter is thriving.. Her school grades have improved, she is motivated beyond what I could have ever imagined, and we’ve strengthened our relationship as mother and daughter. She is confident in herself and no longer gives into peer pressure."
(Parents are required to be clients first before Coach works with teens).
I’ve been a client of Cinnamon’s since 2013. She was instrumental in changing my mindset concerning my openness to new relationships. She also helped me traverse my past issues with men in order to move forward with my life, rather than dwell in the past. Cinnamon has also helped me to understand and listen to my body. My digestive issues have greatly decreased and I have far more energy than before. Now, I am actually sleeping through the night.
Last year my daughter, at age 14, was experiencing anxiety and found herself stuck in a solemn mindset. We switched to homeschooling and I set her up with Cinnamon, Immediately, she saw results. In the first session alone, Cinnamon gave her multiple ways to deal with her anxiety, become familiar with her emotions, and understand why she was feeling this way.
One year later, my daughter is thriving.. Her school grades have improved, she is motivated beyond what I could have ever imagined, and we’ve strengthened our relationship as mother and daughter. She is confident in herself and no longer gives into peer pressure.
"She is somehow able to take all of the jumbled and tangled thoughts in my brain and help me lay them out so that I have a clear plan. To say that her coaching changed my life is an understatement."
I reached out to Cinnamon because I had a need to better manage my ADHD and wanted some tools to be able to manage my symptoms that medication could not fix. The exercises and homework that she gives is incredibly relevant and useful. I find that the tools I get from Cinnamon reach far beyond what they were initially given to me for and are applicable across far more aspects of my life than I initially thought. Additionally, she helped me manage some very difficult relationships with people in my life. She empowered me to set appropriate boundaries and gave me tools to manage and even strengthen those relationships. Since my initial coaching, I come back to Cinnamon for series of sessions when I'm dealing with new difficulties or even refocusing my career. She is somehow able to take all of the jumbled and tangled thoughts in my brain and help me lay them out so that I have a clear plan. To say that her coaching changed my life is an understatement.
"Coach Prime helped me break down walls of resistance that had been holding my back for years. She has a way of directly yet lovingly telling it like it is without making you feel less than."
Coach Prime helped me break down walls of resistance that had been holding my back for years. She has a way of directly yet lovingly telling it like it is without making you feel less than. Her nutritional coaching encouraged me to eat more of the real food I was already eating at each meal. I've lost body fat, gone down 1 entire size, and MOST importantly have seen major gains in the gym with cardio endurance as well as lifting more weight, and just better workouts overall. The scope of her guidance cannot be measured because it extends further than me as an individual, my marriage, my family, my career, my friends. I am so grateful that I made the choice to have Coach Prime work with me. It is a decision that will continue to reap rewards throughout my life.
"Coach Prime is different. She will give you the tools to be successful so that you can continue on your path and be successful...Few people can convey her no nonsense attitude with as much warmth as she can. Very quickly I got to know the others in the (2013 online) group and we all became friendly with each other. Personally, I’ve known Coach Prime for over a year now and was excited to work with her but I was surprised how quickly I became comfortable with everyone else in the group. We were all so different but we still were supportive and understanding of each other. The initial fear of sharing any personal details with strangers quickly faded and we all developed a rapport with each other."
Typically most online coaches will offer you something that you can only get from them, such as a meal plan or workout program. They unintentionally create a need for their service as so few teach you how to craft these things for yourself. Coach Prime is different. She will give you the tools to be successful so that you can continue on your path and be successful. The lessons she offers are useful for life, and she does so in a way that is gradual and effective.
I was a bit leery when signing up for this group as I was not huge on the idea of personal coaching in a group setting. I know firsthand that it can be effective but the coach has to be damn good to make sure everyone gets the individual attention they need to be successful. The group got rolling and immediately Coach Prime told us exactly what was expected of us in the group. Nothing was unrealistic and she relayed her expectations in a manner that I am now convinced only she can. Few people can convey her no nonsense attitude with as much warmth as she can. Very quickly I got to know the others in the group and we all became friendly with each other. Personally I’ve known Coach Prime for over a year now and was excited to work with her but I was surprised how quickly I became comfortable with everyone else in the group. We were all so different but we still were supportive and understanding of each other. The initial fear of sharing any personal details with strangers quickly faded and we all developed a rapport with each other.
Coach Prime does not waste any time, very quickly she gave us some videos to watch and homework to do. It sounds like a lot more work than it is, the tasks were all very simple. The homework was her way of teaching us good habits, just basic things that we should be doing daily to improve ourselves. At no point did it feel like she was asking us to do anything that was absurd or over the top. Her process is so gradual that I found myself acclimating with little trouble. She showed us why we were having trouble being successful in the past and how we can fix these problems. If there were only one thing I could say about her, it would be on how effective she is. She does not hold your hand and she makes it known that while she will always support you if need be, you are going to learn how to be self-sufficient. But what gets you is how she does it; there is more love than tough love. At no point is she crude, course, or really anything but warm. In a short time with Coach Prime’s guidance and some videos that she gives the group to watch I noticed a lot of positive change. Gone were feelings of guilt towards things beyond my control. She taught me to have a better grasp on my life and to only worry about the things I could control.
I began to feel better about my decisions; I no longer cared about minor things like missing a workout. She teaches you to empower yourself, not to hinder yourself. Words like “cheating” are discouraged as they create unhealthy relationships with food. Coach teaches you that you should have a healthy relationship with food. She teaches you what foods to eat and which foods to avoid, as well as how to eliminate foods that are not optimal for your health. She teaches you how to reach your goals and how to keep those goals realistic. But by far the most valuable tool that she will teach you is how to strengthen your mind. Her lessons on mentality have given me a huge edge in the gym, school, and in my personal life.
I would not however recommend this program for just anyone however; you are only going to get out of it what you put into it. Remember when I said that Coach will not hold your hand? She will most definitely not. She can only lead you to water, whether or not you choose to drink is up to you.
"She takes a different approach... She focuses not only on diet and exercise, but works on the mental aspect as well. She helped me go from hating my body to fully loving and accepting everything about myself."
Six months ago, I was struggling... Frustrated that I couldn't lose weight, unhappy with who I saw in the mirror. I had tried every fad diet and workout plan out there... And was never happy with the results, or couldn't maintain them. One day I came upon Coach Prime's Facebook page, and thought I'd give her one-on-one coaching a shot.
She takes a different approach... She focuses not only on diet and exercise, but works on the mental aspect as well. She helped me go from hating my body to fully loving and accepting everything about myself. Sure, I still want to improve my physical appearance, and I am slowly, safely doing just that with a healthy approach. She helped me "dial in" my fitness and diet to maximize results for ME.
I'd wasted so much money on other options, but Coach Prime knew exactly what I needed to do to succeed... She's worth every penny!
"The Paleo Ticket (online group course) and Coach Prime are so empowering. It is no longer about "This happened to me." You can separate the facts from the "stories" that are created in your mind. This is one of my favorite things. It is so freeing to separate them."
Coach Prime is truly amazing. She offers practical advice, tailored specifically to you. While she provides sound advice on nutrition and Paleo, the best part for me was the shift of the mindset. After the Paleo Ticket, I have changed my entire perspective on food, exercise and life. She breaks everything down in a in a way that is understandable and fun. You learn about food, how you relate to things, how your brain works and interprets what happens in your life and how all of this affects you. The Paleo Ticket and Coach Prime are so empowering. It is no longer about "this happened to me." You can separate the facts from the "stories" that are created in your mind. This is one of my favorite things. It is so freeing to separate them. One of her best quotes is "Your 'thinking voice' can wear you out. Get present to this." Now I can think through situations and more easily decide what I want to do.
Coach Prime has been wonderful to work with. She is incredibly smart with a no-bullshit attitude and always holds you accountable. I highly recommend her.
"Before long, I did not feel stressed, but more hopeful and even fortunate. I’m grateful for Coach Prime, I admire her expertise, and I look on her with a great deal of trust and respect. I would recommend her without hesitation."
I was referred to Coach Prime soon after I had just experienced a lay off for the second time in my career. As a young guy with a young family to support (including a toddler with a rare medical condition), being out of work for the second time in my career immediately brought on what seemed to be an insurmountable amount of despair. It only seemed that way at the time because that was just before I met Coach Prime. The ideas and concepts that we discussed gave me other perspectives on my current circumstances. Before long, I did not feel stressed, but more hopeful and even fortunate. I’m grateful for Coach Prime, I admire her expertise, and I look on her with a great deal of trust and respect. I would recommend her without hesitation.
"The Mindset training she offers has been more valuable to me than any fitness regimen or nutritional guidelines. I have learned that real change comes from the INSIDE."
I (admittedly) was always skeptical about “life coaches.” But from the first interaction I had with Coach Prime, I knew she was much more than a voice on the other end of the phone who would tell me what to do and how to do it. I started my coaching with a goal weight in mind, setting my sights on Paleo nutrition, and a better workout balance. Two months later, so much has changed. My focus is no longer on numbers on a scale. Coach Prime has given me the tools to take control of my health for GOOD! I am now empowered beyond emotional eating and negative self-talk. The Mindset training she offers has been more valuable to me than any fitness regimen or nutritional guidelines. I have learned that real change comes from the INSIDE. I feel confident that I am well on my way to even more radiant health and thriving fitness.
“I’ve learned so much about myself, my brain, my body, and my life through her one on one coaching. Even though it seemed I was irredeemable and lost, I now have more than a fighting chance. I’m a loving mother and my son has a bright future now. If you feel anything like I did, even suffering from things they say only medication can help, but never heal ... it doesn’t have to be so dark. There is a way through it. If you don’t believe in God, there is always science, but Coach Cinnamon wields them both like finely sharpened blades to cut through the chaos of our lives and bring order back to the house.”
I’m not ashamed to say that I was only a shell of a person before I began working with Coach Prime. My experiences with counseling and anger management programs stretched all the way back to elementary school.
My most recent years in therapy left me feeling even more wretched, and when they realized they weren’t helping me, they decided that we should work on something as trivial as acne.
My last conversation with a therapist made feel hollow. I said. “I want everything you’re telling me,... the mindfulness, the peace. You’re telling me what I SHOULD be, but not HOW TO become it. I need you to tell me what to do now.”
She answered, “Nobody can tell you that. You have to come to it on your own.”
When I told Coach Prime what she had said and what I wanted, her quick reply was, “Yes, I can teach you the how tos and give you tools. I can teach you step by step what to do in various situations and I’ll walk you through the whole process.”
She didn’t let me down, and hasn’t once. When everything feels hopeless, she puts it back in perspective.
I’ve learned so much about myself, my brain, my body, and my life through her one on one coaching. Even though it seemed I was irredeemable and lost, I now have more than a fighting chance. I’m a loving mother and my son has a bright future now.
If you feel anything like I did, even suffering from things they say only medication can help, but never heal ... it doesn’t have to be so dark. There is a way through it. If you don’t believe in God, there is always science, but Coach Cinnamon wields them both like finely sharpened blades to cut through the chaos of our lives and bring order back to the house.
She will listen to you in a way that in my experience, no therapist ever did, weighing each word carefully, every pause and every breath. She understands the myriad of ways you came to feel and be the way you are and doesn’t rely on you to come to the truth on your own, but she will give you honest work to bring you to it.
I’ll never be the same again and every day I thank God and the universe for sending me to her.