Hi, I’m Cinnamon and I’m very happy you’re here. I believe that every human being is precious and deserves health, strength, and peace of mind. If you’re up to being your biggest, baddest self and being unstoppable, you’re in the right place. I look forward to being your Coach!
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Hey Friend! I’ve created some workbooks and courses just for YOU! Check them out on the services page or just click on this little happy orange button below. Welcome to theTeam! And don’t forget to sign up for “Mindset Nuggets” at the bottom of this page. Nom nom.
I’ve been where you are. If you’re very self aware, have read all the books, been to seminars, know all the “answers”, yet still find yourself stuck in repeat patterns and negative thinking, I’m here to tell you that you can change that.
I’ve been a Mindset Coach for 18 years. Being an unapologetic nerd, I’m a puzzle solver and pattern-discoverer (Is that even a word? Oh well.), I have a Bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, study neuroscience, and have studied spiritual topics my whole life. With over 10,000 hours of coaching people, I have seen patterns and have come up with a curriculum that actually helps, makes sense, and gives you tools on what TO DO when things happen. I know a LOT, but more importantly, I’ve been coached since 2005 for my own “stuff”. See, we all have blind spots, and I didn’t just have some epiphany one magical day like most gurus proclaim they had…and POOF all of a sudden I “knew all the answers” or “discovered a secret formula” (insert eye rolls, thanks). No way. I hired coaches and got my hiney kicked! I got called out, pushed to my limits, and confronted on my own BS, and trust me, it was a LOT. My childhood was far from easy, I saw tragedies, violence, and went through a lot of pain. I’d been to therapy, but what I needed was coaching as I’d “graduated” from what therapy had to offer. Now, because coaching worked so well on my stubborn self, I knew I wanted to do this for other people. So, I hired professionals to train me privately so that I can do just as good of a job for you as was done for me!
So this is work. Remember, I’m a Coach and coaches put people to work so they can accomplish something in the future. I don’t coddle you, hold your hand, and wallow in your past (though we do address it and leave it in the past). Rewiring your brain, calling for your highest self, and insisting on good habits is work. So we don’t navel-gaze over here mkay? Nope. As you’ll read over and over in the testimonials, I basically call you out with kindness & toughness all at once. While emotions will hit you, and the past will come up, I approach things differently so that you get freed up FAST and take new actions. Oh, we also don’t do insights, although they may happen by default. Insights are of minimal help when life does its thing and lifes you! Like when that argument happens in the kitchen and you “know” the Instagram posts say to “Think positive and be your best self!!!” but you still yelled and then ate all the ice cream after? Yep. A lot of good those insights did. People need to have tools for WHEN the stressful and unwanted things happen. Insights don’t do that. Insights just fill up your brain in the information file… not the “What do I DO in case of (insert situation) kitchen/bedroom/car argument file”. See the difference? Okay good.
Freedom means that you are able to make choices from who you really are instead of from your defenses, fears, anxiety, past, and habits. Peace comes from knowing that what you choose, and how you respond comes from a place of wisdom, discernment, and maturity so that you have minimal regrets. Listen, you will make mistakes and will have some regrets because you’re human. The tools you learn here will minimize the regrets and help you be at peace with mistakes while also being responsible for them. And I wish I could tell you that you’ll arrive to some super zen place where you never mess up, never feel anger, and never feel stressed, but that’s not true. Anyone who promises that in their programs is a huckster and in need of making money at your expense. That’s not who I am. I can promise you that I use my own tools, and my mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being are light years better than they were 10+ years ago! I can also say with confidence my clients have lasting results and use the tools their whole lives. But we all have bad days or weeks because life can come at us hard, what matters is you have to tools to navigate these situations and get out of that funk fast!! Finally, I give you those tools because my job is to see you fly, not have you dependent on me forever! Just say no to codependent coaches and therapists! I’m sure I’ll love you, but I want you to say, “Coach, I’m good now. I got this.” And I’ll say good-bye with a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. I love seeing you all win at life from the sidelines!!
I’m in this life with you and I still have a coach. Why? Well, because I’m human, am evolving, and will never be okay with settling for my defaults. I do believe every good coach should have a coach so I walk my talk. Life still happens to me and I’m still a human. I’m friends with world-renowned coaches and trust me when I say, no one has arrived at some place where they are some monk on a mountain about everything! So if you want to join me and my clients, sign up for the newsletter, subscribe to the podcast, follow me on social media, and/or pick a program so we can get you going in what’s next for you! I look forward to you joining the Team!
Cinnamon aka Coach Prime